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About Our Garden...

The Tarot Garden is a site dedicated to helping persons interested in tarot to learn about and find tarot decks of interest to them. Whether you're a collector seeking that hard-to-find, out-of-print limited edition, or a reader looking for the perfect deck to spark your imagination and intuition, you'll find the information you want on hundreds of decks. Our on-line catalog contains information on over 2,000 tarots and cartomantic decks, with more entries being added every month!

We also buy and sell both current popular in-print titles, independently-published releases, and out-of-print collectible decks. And if you're looking for more great and fun info about tarot, check out our blog and our YouTube channel! Come join us in the Tarot Garden and explore -- and find out for yourself why international interest in tarot has exploded over the last century.

Our History

The Tarot Garden began in February of 2001, when Lorraine Sharkey-Dolan -- an accomplished collector and connoisseur of rare and unusual cartomantic decks -- joined with collector and long-time tarot enthusiast Jeannette Roth, whom she had been mentoring, to create a website that would provide information on and access to a wide variety of published tarots from the 20th and 21st century. While there were already a number of websites featuring long lists of tarot decks, Lori and Jeannette's goal was to document not only the better-known massmarket titles, but also to showcase the fine art, limited edition, hard-to-find, out-of-print, and even truly rare decks from all over the world. With the help of Lori's extensive personal collection and her expertise in the area of fine art and rare decks, combined with Jeannette's knowledge of the more popular "mainstream" titles, the team was able to compile an initial listing of decks in an online database, complete with publication details and sample scans.

To further distinguish the site and provide a much-needed service to tarot enthusiasts worldwide, Lori and Jeannette began a simple online boutique, where many of the decks they had documented -- both well-known and rare -- were available for purchase. A significant portion of the proceeds from the sales were reinvested in new titles, allowing them to expand the online database and to continue providing information on an ever-larger, international array of fascinating tarots and cartomantic decks. As of this writing, the Tarot Garden online database contains information on over 2,000 decks from the past 100+ years, and continues to grow as more and more decks are published.

At the end of 2003, Lori chose to resign as an active partner in the Tarot Garden business. However, her invaluable contributions to Tarot Garden remain the hallmark of the website: providing the most comprehensive, publicly-accessible listing of tarots, coupled with the desire to help put great tarots and great tarot lovers together.

In 2004, Dan Pelletier, a 30-year veteran tarot enthusiast and accomplished reader and lecturer, joined the Tarot Garden. Dan's knowledge of tarot theory, history, and use brought a broader array of tarot studies to the site, including a wider range of philosophical and practical applications of the discipline. In the years since, Dan has also written two books and been a featured presenter at numerous tarot conferences. Together, Dan and Jeannette continue to document the ever-growing number of tarots being published worldwide, and to provide a one-stop shopping source for popular, imported, small press, limited edition, out-of-print, and rare decks that aspires to be second to none!

Our Philosophy

Tarot is a multi-faceted discipline that extends beyond its use as a cartomantic tool. It is also worthy of study and appreciation for its own sake: for the beauty of its artwork, for the variety of its subject matter, and for its expression of the personal visions of each deck creator. It is our goal to promote interest in all areas of tarot and its applications: its traditional employment in divination, benefits as a tool for personal spiritual growth, historical and academic importance, artistic and aesthetic value, use for playing games, and its inherent collectibility. Through Tarot Garden, we hope to make people aware of how the wide variety of tarots available can help to enhance the understanding and enjoyment of the fascinating pack of cards known as "Book T."

Contact Us!

If you have questions or comments about our website or services, please contact us! General inquiries can be sent to, or see our Contact page for detailed contact information. We'll get back to you as soon as possible!


 This site maintained by The Tarot Garden; Jeannette K. Roth and Dan M. Pelletier, proprietors.

This page © 2001 - 2025, Jeannette Roth and the Tarot Garden, Inc. Images of tarot cards on this site are copyrighted to their respective designers, artists, and publishers, and are used for example purposes only; no copyright infringement is intended. Unauthorized use of our website material, including articles, text descriptions, database listings, image scans, and other Intellectual Properties contained herein, without our express written permission is strictly prohibited;.see our FAQ for additional information. Questions regarding this page should be directed to