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Posted by Dan Pelletier on Sep 9th 2018

Many of you already know that I believe that ‘what we say’ to the sitter, and ‘how we say it’, are far more important than ‘card meanings’.

In my opinion, rapport with the sitter is everything. Even if you interpret the cards correctly, if you fail to express your interpretation in a manner that is clear and understandable to the sitter, they will not be happy.

As readers and seekers on the spiritual path, we all understand that our goal is to become limitless.

Wait…that word – Limit less.

Think about it. Limit Less.

So I’ve been noticing a trend amongst ‘readers’ these days.

How do they manage ‘self-talk’? What we say to ourselves, and how we say it is far more important than many believe.

Here’s the skivvy (that means main thesis point): The most evil word in the English language is “Can’t”.

My piano teacher used to tell me, “Can’t never could.”

Another popular one is, “Can’t means won’t”.

Now before you get excited and say something like, “Well, I can’t fly,” actually what you should say is, “I am not able to fly.”

Then if you add in ageism, “I can’t, I’m too old…” you’ve just locked yourself into a prison of victimhood. You’ve done the opposite of limit less.

You’d hate it if I told you that you couldn’t – and that you’re too old. But by golly say that to yourself, and it seems just fine.

I can’t shuffle like that…

I can’t read Marseille decks…

I can’t read Crowley…

I can’t read for myself…

I can’t read for my family…

I can’t get rid of this ring around the collar…

Now take each of those statements, and change it slightly… “I am unable to [insert issue title here], at this time.”

Suddenly, it shifts.

And you know – possibilities open – as soon as you change the language you use for yourself.

Limit less.