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The Real, True, Honest, and Totally Authentic History of Tarot... NOT!

The Real, True, Honest, and Totally Authentic History of Tarot... NOT!

Posted by Jeannette Roth on Jun 2nd 2018

In 2017, The Future -- an artist market and project space in Minneapolis, MN -- opened up their shelves to The Tarot Garden for a 3-month-long gallery showcase of selections from our library of rare and significant cartomantic decks and artwork. To kick off the event, I was invited to do a presentation on the collection, including a broad overview of tarot's fascinating history.

Despite the recent availability of some really great scholarly research into tarot's origins, there is still a lot of misinformation on the subject being spread in the mainstream. I decided to address those fallacies head-on by preparing a 3-minute pseudo-documentary as the introduction to my talk. Executed in a "Ken Burns" style, the video purports to provide a "serious" look at how tarot came to be... and deliberately gets most of it wrong. I then went back through the video with the audience to discuss the inaccuracies, their sources, and the reality of tarot's story as we now understand it.

Since I probably won't have another opportunity to do this presentation in the foreseeable future, I've gone back and redone the original video with subtitles, and tacked on a second version that adds additional titles hitting the highlights of my corrective discussion (plus a few additional snarky comments for good measure). It wasn't practical to note my information sources on top of all those other titles, but I included a short bibliography of my research material at the end. I expect most readers of our blog are already quite familiar with tarot's true roots -- but hopefully you'll have fun picking apart those clichés which still make us roll our eyes every time we hear them.