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Video: The Sixth Sense -- A Sweded Film Using Tarot Cards

Video: The Sixth Sense -- A Sweded Film Using Tarot Cards

Posted by Jeannette Roth on May 24th 2021

Well, folks -- we're at it again, with another foray into the silly side of tarot. This time, it's Jeannette's Sweded film trailer for the movie "The Sixth Sense" -- featuring tarot cards in the main roles.

[BTW -- if you're not familiar with what a Sweded film trailer is, check out the movie "Be Kind, Rewind", or just Google the phrase "Sweded Movie".]

Prepared for a local Sweded trailer competition, this is the unabridged version; Jeannette had to cut two minutes out of the final product to get her entry within the time limitations dictated by the contest. Fortunately, she could upload any version she wanted to the Tarot Garden YouTube channel... so presented now for your enjoyment is the "Director's Cut" of this odd little video. Closed captioning available by clicking the "CC" icon in the video player.