The beautiful artwork of Julie Cuccia-Watts (creator of the Ancestral Path Tarot) is just the beginning highlight of this lush deck/book pair. Centered around a complex but insightful lunar/astrological system, this high-quality set offers symbolism both traditional and original. A perfect tool for thought-provoking readings, meditation, and other metaphysical studies.
The deck was originally published in 2006 as an oversize, 78-card deck, packaged in a box displaying a detail from the "Justice" card . After the deck went out of print in 2014, it was eventually reprinted in a small size in 2018. Currently, the deck is available in the larger size as an on-demand, 92-card deck in a plain white tuck box. The the accompanying guidebook was made available separately -- first in a hardcover edition, then later (in 2020) in a paperback edition.