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The Light and Shadow Tarot

Destiny Books

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78 cards and softcover guidebooklet in lidded cardboard box
Publication Status:
In Print
New or Preowned, as selected; Preowned is rated Excellent.
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Publication Year:
1997 (mass market ed.), with subsequent reprintings
Author, Artist:
Brian Williams, Michael Goepferd
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Black-and-white tarot created from woodblock prints. Originally released c. 1995 under the title 'Contrast Deck,' in a limited edition of 120 copies. The deck was later published in 1997, in a mass-market edition by Destiny Books of Rochester, Vermont. The limited edition cards did not contain titles or numbers, but the images in 1997 edition were reduced to make room for numbers and titles in the borders. 78 cards, with fully scenic pips.