Designed largely as a tarot for spiritual healing, the Light Seer's Tarot ramps up the joy while gentle-izing (yeah, we know that's not a real word -- roll with it for us, please) the cards that more traditionally lean into shadow side archetypes. This leaves the deck treading a thin line between promoting work for positive outcome and out-and-out "fluffy bunny-ness" -- but it largely succeeds on the more productive side of that line. The artwork is undeniably beautiful, with illustrations imbued with originality while still staying true enough to the RWS standard that most students and readers won't have a lick of trouble connecting with the intent. There is a reasonable amount of multicultural imagery included.
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First Tarot Deck
the images are so interesting to look at and really are helpful on my journey into tarot. I am excited to see what kind of guidance it can offer