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Women of Science Tarot

M.I.T. Press

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78 cards and 96-page guide booklet in lidded cardboard box
Publication Status:
In Print
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Designed/Written by Collaborative Team; Illustrated by Matteo Farinella
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In some ways, the Women of Science Tarot is more like a set of flashcards than a tarot. The Minor Arcana is fully populated by female trailblazers in the scientific realm -- and we'll bet you never heard of most of them. Not to worry, however; the accompanying guidebook tells you everything you need to know about these amazing "hidden figures" (see what we did there?) whose contributions shaped our world. Notables from all cultures and epochs are given their due, with portraits of each. This makes for a deck that can be a bit awkward to read with -- at least, not without the BWB ("big white book" -- we just coined that, 'cuz while not a full-size manual, it's definitely bigger and meatier than your typical LWB "leaflet" guide), as the Minors are bereft of the usual symbolic minutiae. But there's so much to learn from this fascinating historical amalgamation published by MIT Press that we're sure you'll fall in love with it, no matter how you use it.

The Minor Arcana suits have been renamed as follows: Micro (suit of molecular fields like chemistry and microbiology) = Wands; Nano (suit of invisible fields like math and physics) = Cups; Astro (suit of cosmic fields like astronomy) = Swords; Macro (suit of systemic fields like ecology and geology) = Coins / Pentacles. The Major Arcana is less gynocentric, exploring more general scientific principles and events using a variety of real and fictional figures.